Here's an updated list of the Rock'n'Roll Circus ~7Days special~ goods over at mumo!
Click under the cut to view!
small image
ribbon 2300yen

iphone case 13500yen

pamplet 3500 yen

shopping bag 2800yen

red tshirt 3800 yen

black t shirt 3800 yen

fox tail nexklance 3000yen

fox tail strap 2300yen

red towel 2500yen

1st to 25th singles mugs 1000 yen each

25th to 50th singles mugs
somehow they are all not on mumo now, i manage to save the images up till Sunrise mug.

credit: LacusClyne @ AHS
Shared by Ayu's Story
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Click under the cut to view!
small image
ribbon 2300yen
iphone case 13500yen
pamplet 3500 yen
shopping bag 2800yen
red tshirt 3800 yen
black t shirt 3800 yen
fox tail nexklance 3000yen
fox tail strap 2300yen
red towel 2500yen
1st to 25th singles mugs 1000 yen each
25th to 50th singles mugs
somehow they are all not on mumo now, i manage to save the images up till Sunrise mug.
credit: LacusClyne @ AHS
Shared by Ayu's Story
Take out with full credits!