Woah! I forgot that she was also in TOKYO FM for interview today! haha XD

本日のゲストは本日14日、ニューアルバム『Rock'n'Roll Circus』をリリースしました!浜崎あゆみさんです!!
Q ロンドンでレコーディングだそうですがみんな海外に行かれますよね。
「音が場所によって違いますよね。日本では歩かないですけど、海外だと外を歩きます。一緒に撮 影もしたので 観光名所のビッグベンだとかを歩きました。」
Q ライブDVDも同時リリース!『ayumi hamasaki ARENA TOUR 2009 ~NEXT LEVEL~』!こちらは昨年、全国12都市35公演、30万人を動員したアリーナツアーの集大成となる 、 代々木第一体育館で行われた最終日の模様を収録!
「編集も凄くこだわって頑張ったので。全部自分でやりました。ライブは場所によってお客さんの 盛り上がるポ イントが違って面白いですね。大阪はMCの時間が凄く緊張します。会話に入って来られるんです よね。つっこ まれたりとか。」
Q そして浜崎さん、現在全国ツアーに突入したばかり!7月まで続く全国ツアー。
「楽しいです。今までとは全く違ったステージになっています。一度観てもすべてを観きれないで す。内容が盛 りだくさんなので何度も見ていただきたいですね。」
Translation is under the cut!
Today's guest has just released her new album 『Rock'n'Roll Circus』 today, on the 14th! It's Hamasaki Ayumi!!
Q: Everyone's been going abroad when they heard that you were doing recordings in London.
The sound differs from place to place. While I can't walk around in Japan, I can do so freely overseas. We walked and did filming at the same time, while visiting famous spots like Big Ben.
Q: The live DVD is released together too! !『ayumi hamasaki ARENA TOUR 2009 ~NEXT LEVEL~』! This was last year, when you went around 12 cities nationwide for 35 shows, with participation from 300,000 people. The DVD serves as a big collection of this, with the recording of the finale show at Yoyogi First Gymnasium!
I was working so hard and obsessing over the editing totally. I did it all myself. At the different locations, the audience get excited over different things, it's really interesting. The MC at Osaka was awfully tense, when we start to talk, we really talk alot. It gets really intense.
Q: And so, Hamasaki-san has just started on her nationwide tour for this year! She'll be going all over the country, till July.
It's fun. We have a stage that's totally different from what we've ever had before. You won't be able to see everything just by watching the show once. There's just so much content, do feel free to watch it a few more times.
Credits: truehappiness + Misa-chan @ AHS
Shared by Ayu's Story
Take out with full credits!
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